Sunday, May 12, 2019

10 Technology in medical

  1. Electronic aspirin

Electronic Aspirin is a medical technology powered for patients to help them relieve pain. For example, for patient that has migraines, cluster headaches, and other ongoing head and facial pain. The size of the electronic aspirin is almond-size. Usually this device is implanted behind the nasal passages, eye sockets, and in the patient’s upper gum area near the area where the patient experiences the most pain. The implant is attached to the Sphenopalatine Ganglion (SPG), which is a collection of nerves deep in the bone cavity of the mid-face area. The permanently embedded implant has a pointed tip which connects with the SPG bundle of nerves. When a patient senses the first sign of a headache, he/she then places a hand-held remote control device on the cheek area nearest the implanted device. When the patient presses the remote, a slight electrical charge stimulates nerve cells, which works to block the pain signals being sent out. The patient has complete control of the device which is they can turn it off and on as often as needed. Moreover, the patient also can leave it as is or take it out, when no longer necessary.

2. Smart inhaler

Smart inhalers are inhaler with extra digital feature that use Bluetooth technology which the sensor will help to track inhaler use, remind patients when to take their medication and gather data to help guide care. They have the potential to improve patients’ adherence to asthma therapies and keep their condition under control. They are Bluetooth-enabled, so can be paired wireless with a smart device like a phone or tablet or with a computer to allow data to be transferred from the smart inhaler automatically. Smart inhalers can give a signal that a patient is overusing their preventer medicine which is suggesting their asthma are poorly controlled. An informed and engaged clinician, though, can get the same signal without smart inhalers by looking at how much preventer or reliever medication a patient has used.

33. Micro needle patch

Micro needles patches are designed as drug and vaccine delivery platform which can be applied to the skin like a patch. When pressed onto the skin surface, the needles are able to cross the very outermost layer of the skin, which then creates microscopic pores, allowing the medicine or vaccine to enter the body. Because the needles are very small, the dermal nerves and blood vessels aren’t affected, so there is no pain or bleeding when the patch is applied. Instead, patches covered with micro needles have been described as feeling similar to Velcro or a cat’s tongue when touched.

44.  Smart bandages

Smart bandages are designed to monitor and treat chronic wounds with integrated sensors and automatic drug release. The smart bandage has pH and temperature sensors, which can analyse the wound’s condition and how those numbers correlate to the proper healing process. Temperature can also alert the smart bandage to inflammation. The smart bandage can further deliver specific treatments, such as antibiotics or pain medication, in response to the sensors that track inflammation and infection. By providing real-time data on the healing progress and delivering medicine when necessary, smart bandages have the potential to reduce the need for additional doctor visits or virtual appointments. It also has an applications in bed sores, burns, and surgical wounds which can reduce complications from infections and reduce the number of amputations.

55.  Artificial pancreas device system

The Artificial Pancreas Device System is a system of devices that closely mimics the glucose regulating function of a healthy pancreas. Most Artificial Pancreas Device Systems consists of three types of devices already familiar to many people with diabetes which is a continuous glucose monitoring system (CGM), an insulin infusion pump and a blood glucose device (such as a glucose meter) which is used to calibrate the CGM. A computer-controlled algorithm connects the CGM and insulin infusion pump to allow continuous communication between the two devices. Sometimes an artificial pancreas device system is referred to as an automated insulin delivery system for glycaemic control. An Artificial Pancreas Device System will not only monitors glucose levels in the body but also automatically adjusts the delivery of insulin to reduce high blood glucose levels (hyperglycemia) and minimize the incidence of low blood glucose (hypoglycemia) with little or no input from the patient.

  6. Smart diabetic sock

The smart diabetic socks are made up of neuro fabric, which is a textile wearable with embedded micro sensors. The sensors are virtually undetectable to the user. The socks have the same look and feel of a normal sock, are machine washable, and contain moisture-wicking fabric to remove moisture from the foot. The objective of this smart diabetic sock is to prevent pressure foot ulcers in diabetic persons. It is also made of a textile which fibers are knitted in a way they provide measurements of the pressure exerted under and all around the foot in real-life conditions. This device is coupled with a subject-specific Finite Element foot model that simulates the internal strains within the soft tissues of the foot. Results a number of derived stress indicators can be computed based on that analysis, such as the accumulated stress dose, high internal strains or peak pressures near bony prominence during gait. In case of risks for pressure ulcer, an alert is sent to the person and/or to the clinician. A watch, a smart-phone or a distant laptop can be used for providing such alert. All wearers have to do is put on their socks like they would any other day. Six miniature temperature sensors in the fabric of sock track the temperature at the bottom of the wearer’s feet. These sensors are placed at the six most common sites of injury such as plantar surface or bottom of the foot.

77. Robotic Nurse Assistant

RIBA (Robot for Interactive Body Assistance) is a nursing assistant robot. RIBA’s nickname, Robobear, comes from the large teddy-bear-like head that sits atop the robot. RIBA is using high-precision tactile sensors and flexible motor control technology which can lift a patient up to 80 kg in weight off floor-level bedding and into a wheelchair as well as helping those who need assistance to stand up. Robobear can play an important role in taking the strain off nurses and caregivers, who may be having to lift patients 40 or more times a day, risking lower-back pain in the process.

88. Wearable Monitoring Patches

            Wearable monitoring patches is lightweight, flexible and disposable skin patch that enables diagnostics, fitness and diabetes monitoring, and medication delivery. This patches are using proprietary application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) and advanced nano materials such as graphene, which can detect tiny amounts of toxins, proteins, DNA or chemicals cutaneous. Sensor modules equipped with reverse e-nose technology can be trained to identify person-specific environmental factors that can cause asthma or an allergic reaction. They also can help individuals track their health, patients with chronic diseases manage their conditions, and the elderly manage their well-being. For example, this device can be used to detect cystic fibrosis, monitor blood pressure and many other conditions. All this can be achieved remotely, without the need for a visit to a clinic or hospital. Patches can be individually customized to create discharge and home monitoring kits for hospitals, nursing homes and physicians to efficiently monitor health and reduce re admissions without the need for a battery.

99. Wireless stethoscope

Wireless stethoscope was developed to monitor and display heartbeat sound using wireless digital stethoscope. The purpose of digital stethoscope is to improve the sound resolution, allow variable amplification, minimize interference noise and simplify the output signal. Besides, this device will provide a visualization and data storage using GUI application and database for future medical expert personnel verification. This digital stethoscope can reduce the auscultation problem that is easily affected by the movement and noise surrounding. Beside the heart sound, the digital stethoscope can be used to monitor heart rate. There are many types of sensor used to detect the heart rate signal, such as surface electrode, textile electrode, accelerometer sensor and Piezo film sensor. Graphical user interface (GUI) was develop to monitor the heart rate signal in the personal computer. In this project, the condenser microphone is used as a sensor to capture the low sensitivity of heart sound signal. The heart sound will be transmitted wireless and analysed through graphical user interface (GUI).

1 10.  Flash glucose monitor

A flash glucose monitor is a small sensor that patient wear on the skin which will records the glucose (sugar) levels continuously throughout the day and he/she can access them by scanning the sensor whenever they want to. The sensor doesn’t actually measure the blood sugar level, it measures the amount of glucose in the fluid that surrounds the body cells (interstitial fluid). There is a small time delay needed when checking this fluid, especially after eating or during exercising. So flash glucose monitor result isn't always exactly the same as the finger-prick result. This means patient still need to do a finger-prick test if they’re thinking of changing for the treatment at any point, like if they need to take more insulin or if they're treating a hypo, so patient can get the most accurate result. A flash glucose monitor has two parts which is a sensor that sits just underneath the skin and measures the sugar level and a reader that patient swipe over the sensor to get both which is sugar level and the trend of patient’s glucose levels. Each time patient scan the sensor, they can access the last eight hours of sugar levels. Flash glucose monitoring also comes with software so patient can analyse their results and see the patterns in the sugar levels. Patient will generally wear a sensor for about 14 days, after that they need to insert a new one.

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